Find and Replace
Search and replace globally: :%s/foo/bar/g
is the command to substitute, %
means to apply within the current file, rather than just the current line, g
means global, i.e. it replaces all instances, not just the first
To find and replace regex whilst keeping part of a pattern, e.g. if you want to replace #1 #2 #3 by #1 \, #2 \, #3 \n, then need to run
:s/\d/\1 \\,/g
where the brackets store the variable \d, which is accessed by \1
Side-By-Side Comparison of Two Files
vimdiff <FILE1> <FILE2>
:%norm! @a
to apply macro a to all lines
VimTeX and Inverse Search
Allowing Backwards Search with VimTeX on Mac
Start vim with vim --servername <some name>
Neovim + VimTeX + Zathura
Install neovim-remote
using pip3 install neovim-remote
Set $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvimsocket
in .bashrc
, .zshrc
, etc. for whichever shell you are using (I think Zathura takes care of this for you, but this may be necessary for other PDF viewers). Then when you start a Neovim instance, you can call commands in that Neovim session from another terminal window using e.g. nvr --remote file1
if you want to open file1.
Ensure synctex
is enabled, e.g. by putting \synctex=1
in your .tex
In \~/.config/nvim/init.vim
, put
let g:vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
let g:latex_view_general_viewer = 'zathura'
let g:vimtex_compiler_progname = 'nvr'
In \~/.config/zathura/zathurarc
, put
set synctex true
set synctex-editor-command "nvr --remote-silent +%{line} %{input}"
Then you should be able to Ctrl-Click on a part of the file in Zathura, and Neovim will go to that point in the .tex
file. Note that this will only work after a change has been made to the file, i.e. it won't work if you just open the file and try to reverse search; you need to make a change and save it first.
Vim Gives an Error Message Relating to UltiSnips and Python When a Key is Pressed
Probably using vi instead of vim. Change the editor of whatever you’re doing to vim, or need to run python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pynvim